
Saturday, 1 June 2013

Photos and B-Day!

I had another appointment on Monday 27th to have photos taken of my face and smile for my before and afters. It was a very short appointment and I didn't really get to ask any questions as the orthodontist who is in charge of my case accidentally slept in as she thought it was a Scottish bank holiday, oops!
So now all I need to do is visit my dentist and have to necessary teeth removed before getting my braces put on which has been provisionally booked for 15th JULY. Argh so excited and nervous at the same time. I don't know which teeth need to be removed yet as I was told the dentist would discuss it with me when I go on 10th June. I'll get some before photos up before my teeth  come out and braces on so you can have an idea of how they look now.
Also I'm starting back at work on 17th June so I'll probably have huge gaps in my mouth for a month or so before I get my braces which will be slightly embarrassing but hey ho I've perfected the art of smiling with my mouth closed for 27 years I'm sure I can handle it for another month. All in the name of a nice smile in a few years time.

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