

I'm 27 years old and live in the UK. I have required orthodontics treatment from a very young age due to overcrowding. I was referred for treatment as a teenager however as I moved house during the referral stage then the treatment fell through. As an adult I am embarrassed by my teeth. I try not to let people see my teeth and I hate seeing them in photographs.  Health wise the state of my teeth also causes me not to be able to clean them properly (how embarrassing!!!!) which is leaving me open to all sort of gum disease. The alignment also effects my speech.
My journey to orthodontics started in December 2011. This blog was set up for me to write down my journey and hopefully help others who are thinking about orthodontic treatment, especially adults who may feel that orthodontics are only for teens.

My teeth before getting my orthodontic braces on, August 2013


  1. Great smile - how many fillings have you had?

  2. Thanks Simon, I've got around 9 fillings but some are very large e.g make up around 3/4 of the tooth. I'll probably need some of the filled teeth removed to make room once my upper braces are on :).
